Create a simple github blog page without jekyll

Automate blog post with bash script

Location: ./scripts/

How to use:

Execute the script ./

  1. User will be prompt to Enter a blog title:
    The filename will be created under /post dir path
    User will be prompted into a vi editor of the newly created file or existing filename

Example: /posts/

  1. If no title is given the script will exit out


=====> Generate A New Blog POST:
=====> Current date will be appended to the front of file
=====> Any spaces in the title will be converted into dashes

=====> Example:
=====> Control-C anytime to quit

Enter a blog title:

=====> you didn't enter anything... aborting

Markdown Notes:

<img src="/path/to/image.png" align="left" width="200px"/>

To break img alignment use <br clear="left">
Linking svg icons using relative path on

![some txt](./icons/resume.svg>
<img src="./icons/resume.svg"> 

use: raw to prevent XSS attack
<img src=""> 

Bash Notes:

$0 name of the bash script

$@ expands into a list of seperated parameter. $@ is equivalent to "$1" "$2"

$* is one parameter consisting of all the parameter added together

Additional info:
bash shell special parameters