
Github Recipe App Repo

Recipe App Demo Click Here

Kaban board for Recipe App

List of completed features, backlog items and future upgrades.

Kanban Board Click Here

πŸ“• TBD πŸ“™ Minor πŸ“˜ InProgress πŸ“— Completed

About the Project

Starting the App

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Install requirements
    install node v14.15.5
    install npm 6.14.11
    npm install --global yarn
    cp .env.sample > .env
    yarn dev

    Note: require creation of .env file

    cp .env.sample > .env

    REACT_APP_LOCALHOST = localhost

    If you are hosting the app on a server, rename β€œlocalhost” to the name of your host server in the .env file

  3. yarn dev - execute the cmds in package.json
    spins up a front-end Nodejs server and a back-end client running Express.
"scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "serverNode": "node ./src/server.js",
    "server": "nodemon ./src/server.js",
    "client": "react-scripts start",
    "dev": "concurrently \"yarn server\" \"yarn client\"",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject"

List of features/functionalities:

  1. Easy navigation using material ui menu drawer/ material ui icons.
  2. Created a Search bar to filter recipes by title
  3. Designed an UI to display all food recipes.
    recipes can be expanded and collapsibled in 3 sections.
    (added placeholder image if thumbnail is not provided)
    Secion 1: Ingredients, Directions and Notes textfield area.
    Section 2: Additional Images using material ui carousel.
    Section 3: Video listing using material ui carousel.

  4. Created a Shopping List page when shopping at Costco, where user can add, delete and check off items.
  5. A Product Information page to keep track products pricing, location, seasonal (learn how to use material ui table)
  6. Created a form input page to add new recipes. User create, remove, update and delete recipes.
    • There are no required form inputs inorder for the user to add a new recipe
    • Note form validation have not been implemented
    • The textbox for Misc Images (comma separated) is used for displaying images in the carousel
    • The textbox for Video (comma separated) is used for display videos in the carousel
  7. Note: the Text must be the same as the filename of the uploaded image or video (case sensitive)
  8. Created a dedicated upload videos page. (see server.js file)
  9. Created a download page to backup the recipes and products info in json format.